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Showing posts with label Harmattan icon pack on N900. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harmattan icon pack on N900. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Harmattan icons refresh my Nokia N900

It was a little over a month ago when Cloud596 rolled out his Symbian Anna icon pack for my Nokia N900 and he has been busy creating a new icon set called Harmattan. Equally impressive, the man is a genius to get this icon set out there so quickly. One can download the latest Harmattan icon pack from the Application Manager or you can download it from here: harmattan-icons-pack_1-1.1.1.-2_all.deb and run it from your file manager. I used Filebox.

Unlike the Symbian Anna icons in the Settings area, the icons are mostly white on grey, which look awesome. If I have to be a little picky, it would be for the 3rd party icons that are coloured (a small detail, which I am sure can be changed).

The menu bar has changed a little as well, most noticeable is the Battery and Volume icons.

The Media Player icons can look awesome but require one to do a bit of manual work. I prefer using WinSCP to connect to my Nokia N900 over WIFI,  but it’s entirely up to you how you do it. Here are the steps:
  1. Take a backup of the icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/164×164/hildon/  (this is the default location of your existing Media Player icons).
  2. Go to /usr/share/icons/harmattan-icons-pack/164×164/hildon/ folder where the new Harmattan icons are, and copy all the mediaplayer*.png files to a temporary folder on your computer or onto a temporary location on your N900.
  3. From your temporary folder on your computer or N900, copy all the mediaplayer*.png files back to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/164×164/hildon/ overwriting the files that already exist.

Please visit [RELEASE] HARMATTAN modify icon pack for all the news and to thank Cloud596 for his excellent work.

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