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Showing posts with label N900. Show all posts
Showing posts with label N900. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

SET (Social Engineer Toolkit) on Nokia n900

 Do it with your own risk

Installation commands:
$ sudo gainroot

#apt-get install wget subversion python ruby1.8 irb1.8 rdoc1.8 libopenssl-ruby1.8 ettercap-ng tcpdump aircrack-ng nmap kismet wireshark macchanger socat

#svn co set/
#svn co fasttrack/

metasploit -

RubyGems -

#cd rubygems
#ruby1.8 setup.rb

Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to overclock N900

 open Xterminal

sudo gainroot
apt-get install --reinstall kernel-power kernel-power-flasher

need to install back if u install ( batterypatch, speedpatch)- means the overclocking not work

sudo gainroot
apt-get install --reinstall kernel-power-bootimg kernel-power-modules

need to install if u want a different load of kernel ( for wifi cracking )

sudo gainroot
apt-get install --reinstall multiboot-kernel-power

Community SSU

Report bug
Report bug



[edit] What is it?

Seamless Software Update (SSU), is the term Nokia formerly used for over-the-air updates of Maemo (generally marketed as Maemo Update as of Maemo 5).
The Community Seamless Software Update (CSSU) is being developed by the Maemo community as a continuation of, and expansion on, Nokia's update support. It aims to deliver fixes which would be difficult to deliver through Extras (like core Maemo packages). It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories.
There are two such efforts for the Maemo platform. This page describes the one for Fremantle (Maemo 5, as used in the Nokia N900). The Diablo Community Project is doing the same for Diablo (Maemo 4.1, as used in the Nokia N800, N810 and N810 WiMAX Edition).

[edit] Who is it for?

Long-term: all N900 users/owners.
For now: power-users, developers, Nokia/Maemo/MeeGo engineers, testers, documentation writers and those willing to risk a re-flash in order to help.

[edit] Installation

"Newbie" Video Tutorial:
  1. Upgrade to PR1.3, Nokia's last official Maemo 5 update. If you're unsure if you have, Settings > About product should show Version beginning with 20.2010.36.
  2. Click on the Install testing button above. ( for a quick link to this page from your N900)
  3. Hildon Application Manager (HAM) will launch and begin processing (be patient). There are a series of installations for which it will prompt you with messages and warnings. Click "Accept" and "Done" for each to install.
  4. Once this is completed, close HAM and go into the applications menu. Tap the Community SSU icon. This will run through a series of scripts to ensure the community repository are set up.
  5. HAM will re-open and present a system upgrade called Maemo 5 Community SSU. Once installed, your device will reboot. 

credit to

How To Hard Reset The N900 To The Factory State

As I have mentioned before, unlike Nokia’s Symbian devices, the N900 does not have a code that you can enter to format the device and restore it to the factory state. However, if you like playing with software in the extras-devel repositories, chances are that sooner or later you will like a fresh start and want the N900 to be restored to the state in which you first picked it up.
How To Hard Reset The N900 To The Factory State
There is no seemingly easy way to do this and I really hope Nokia is doing something about it. That being said, how do you go about accomplishing the task? The answer is to flash both the N900′s OS and the 32 GB mass memory. This can be done on a Mac, a Linux or a Windows machine. Since windows is the most popular OS, I will show you how to do this via Windows.
Before we start, please note that this would be done using the command line interface, it may seem tricky but let me assure you that it is simply enough for anyone to accomplish.
  • Download and install the latest version of Maemo Flasher (e.g. maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.exe). Since this is a command line application you will see no shortcut on the desktop or in the Program Files option under the Start menu.
  • Next, Download the latest firmware (.bin) file, it will look like “RX-51_xxxxx_ARM.bin”. You will need your IMEI  number to access the downloads, it can be found on the box or by going to Settings > General > About Product.
  • Also download the Vanilla eMMC image (.bin file) from the same page. It will look like “RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin”
  • Save both  to C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5\. My suggestion is to rename them to something simple such as RX-51.bin for the firmware and R.bin for the eMMC, this will make typing the commands easier later on.
  • Make sure that the battery is fully charged and switch off the device.
  • Open the Command Prompt by going to Start then Run and type cmd, then press Enter.
  • Change directory to the flasher’s program path by entering:
cd "C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5"
  • Connect the USB cable while holding the ‘u’ key on the N900. Within an instant you will see a USB icon on the top right corner of the N900. Now leave the ‘u’ key.
  • Run the following command:
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51.bin -f -R
  • I typed RX-51.bin because I had renamed the file earlier, otherwise it would have been: (this was the name of the latest firmware, the name may vary after a new firmware comes out)
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R"
  • You will see text similar to the one below on your PC.
How To Hard Reset The N900How To Hard Reset The N900
  • The update will take about 3 minutes after which the N900 will reboot and display the Welcome screen with Regional settings.
The next step is to flash the Mass Storage or the eMMC. The first few steps are identical to the way you would flash the firmware. If you are following on from the above and already have the command prompt open, you can directly proceed to step number 3.
  • Open the Command Prompt by going to Start then Run and type cmd, then press Enter.
  • Change directory to the flasher’s program path by entering:
cd "C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5"
  • Connect the USB cable while holding the ‘u’ key on the N900. Within an instant you will see a USB icon on the top right corner of the N900. Now leave the ‘u’ key.
  • Execute the following command:
flasher-3.5.exe -F R.bin -f -R"
  • I typed R.bin because I had renamed the file earlier, otherwise it would have been
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R
  • You will see text similar to the one below on your PC.
How To Hard Reset The N900
  • The flash will take around 1 minute after which the device will reboot.
  • The bright Nokia screen will come up on the screen with the USB icon on the top right followed by progression dots with yellow LED blinking for a few seconds. The device will then turn off and go into charging mode with the yellow LED blinking (NOTE: If the device appears to reboot, unplug the cable.)
  • Unplug cable and wait for device to turn off completely. You may hear a sound (punk) of the device turning off.
That’s it. You have now hard reset the N900 to the factory state. This procedure can be used to update the firmware on your device as well, if you wish you can leave formatting the eMMC if your intention is only to update the firmware. Please make sure that the battery on your N900 is completely charged, otherwise you might brick it.
This guide has been adapted from this immensely useful wiki on
Disclaimer: Please do this at your own risk.

How to connect PC to my Nokia N900 over WIFI?

Did you know that almost every command you type in X-term can be typed in remotely from your computer (via PUTTY), saving you finger pain ;-) It is also possible to use a ‘windows explorer’ like experience (WinSCP) to copy/move files from your computer to your Nokia N900 and vice versa without the use of a USB cable. In fact WinSCP can be used to manage your files better on your N900.

All you need is a mini app called Open SSH installed on your Nokia N900 and WinSCP on your computer. Click the Open SSH link above or download it from your Application Manager.
(edit: 19/05/2011)What is SSH? Wikipedia says the following;
Secure Shell or SSH is a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a secure channel between two networked devices. The two major versions of the protocol are referred to as SSH1 or SSH-1 and SSH2 or SSH-2. Used primarily on Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts, SSH was designed as a replacement for Telnet and other insecure remote shells, which send information, notably passwords, in plaintext, rendering them susceptible to packet analysis.[2] The encryption used by SSH is intended to provide confidentiality and integrity of data over an unsecured network, such as the Internet.
NB: You must have a WIFI router and your Nokia N900 needs to be connected to your home or work network via WIFI. Remember every device connected to your WIFI network has an IP address and your N900 is no different. Below are the steps for setting up Open SSH, finding out your N900′s IP address and configuring WinSCP to access your Nokia N900. This only needs to occur once.
  1. Once Open SSH is installed, it will prompt you for a password, so type one in and remember it.
  2. Install WinSCP on your laptop or computer. Follow the default prompts.
  3. Open X-term on your Nokia N900.
    1. Gain root by typing “sudo gainroot”.
    2. Type the following line to determine what your IP address is for your Nokia N900:
      ifconfig wlan0
    3. A bit of information appears on the screen showing your MAC address and IP Address.
    4. Note your IP address (inet addr:) down – In my example, the IP address is
  4. Close X-Term on Nokia N900.
  5. Open WinSCP on your laptop or computer.
    1. Click the New button. (This will allow you to create a shortcut).
    2. Host Name = the IP address (e.g.
    3. User Name = root
    4. Password = (the password you chose in step 1).
    5. Port Number = 22.
    6. Protocol or File Protocol = SFTP
    7. Allow SCP Fallback by checking the box.
    8. Click the Save button and replace the words “root@″ with a proper name e.g. Nokia N900.
    9. Check the box that says “Save password (not recommended), unless of course you are happy to type in your password each time. ;-)
    10. With  the Shortcut created, you can now setup the default directory one will enter in when you log into your Nokia N900. Click on Edit and select the Directories from the left hand menu.
    11. Your default folder on your N900 is /home/user/MyDocs
    12. Your default folder on your PC or laptop can be any defined location. (I have created a folder called My Nokia N900 so in the screenshot example this is where it defaults to everytime I load up WinSCP).
    13. I switched off “Remember last used directory” because I want to default to /home/user/MyDocs
    14. The other choices or checkboxes are personal preference.
    15. Click  Save.
    16. Highlight your newly created shortcut and click on Login. (Next time this is all you will have to do).
    17. You’ll be logged into your Nokia N900 on the right pane and your computer on the left pane.
    18. Now you are free to copy, move files from one side to the other and vice versa. WinSCP is very similar to Norton Commander. E.g. if one highlights a file in /home/user/MyDocs all the available commands appear at the bottom of the screen.
    19. Basic WinSCP Commands are as follows:
      1. Double clicking on the .. takes one back a folder.
      2. Clicking on the bar that says Name will filter the list in alphabetical order.
      3. There are icons at the top of the page very similar to Windows Explorer.
      4. One can also right click to see a context menu.
      5. F2 = Rename a folder or file.
      6. F5 = Copy (if you highlight a file or folder on the right side and press F5, the file or folder will be copied to the left hand side and vice versa).
      7. F6 = Move.
      8. F7 = Create a folder.
      9. F8 = Delete a folder.
    20. Other things to take note of:
      1. Hidden folders are greyed out (E.g. see folder in /home/user/MyDocs that start with .images, they are slightly greyed out. Normally these folders are not visible in your basic file manager on the Nokia N900, it’s so you don’t delete them by mistake).
    21. To type commands as if one were typing in X-term, one can load up PUTTY. Do this by press CTRL+T or by going to the Commands menu and selecting “Open in Putty“.
    22. This will open a terminal screen very similar to what one sees on your Nokia N900 and from here you can run anything you would have run in X-Term. As an example I have run the same command I ran on my Nokia N900 at the beginning of this tutorial to display my IP Address. You’ll see the exact same results.
    23. One last thing and it is to do with security and peace of mind. If you want to quickly disable SSH on your Nokia N900, then there is another great little app called “SSH Status and Switcher” (click link to download) or download it from the Application Manager. Once installed, click on the notification menu. You will see it on one of the lines showing a status. If it is showing ON, tapping it will STOP SSH and a SSH stopped message will appear. Repeat steps to switch it back on. ;-)

credit to

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Harmattan icons refresh my Nokia N900

It was a little over a month ago when Cloud596 rolled out his Symbian Anna icon pack for my Nokia N900 and he has been busy creating a new icon set called Harmattan. Equally impressive, the man is a genius to get this icon set out there so quickly. One can download the latest Harmattan icon pack from the Application Manager or you can download it from here: harmattan-icons-pack_1-1.1.1.-2_all.deb and run it from your file manager. I used Filebox.

Unlike the Symbian Anna icons in the Settings area, the icons are mostly white on grey, which look awesome. If I have to be a little picky, it would be for the 3rd party icons that are coloured (a small detail, which I am sure can be changed).

The menu bar has changed a little as well, most noticeable is the Battery and Volume icons.

The Media Player icons can look awesome but require one to do a bit of manual work. I prefer using WinSCP to connect to my Nokia N900 over WIFI,  but it’s entirely up to you how you do it. Here are the steps:
  1. Take a backup of the icons in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/164×164/hildon/  (this is the default location of your existing Media Player icons).
  2. Go to /usr/share/icons/harmattan-icons-pack/164×164/hildon/ folder where the new Harmattan icons are, and copy all the mediaplayer*.png files to a temporary folder on your computer or onto a temporary location on your N900.
  3. From your temporary folder on your computer or N900, copy all the mediaplayer*.png files back to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/164×164/hildon/ overwriting the files that already exist.

Please visit [RELEASE] HARMATTAN modify icon pack for all the news and to thank Cloud596 for his excellent work.

Extra Icons:
Copy to
Copy to

Credit to

Upgrading NITDroid N11 “Vostok” to N12 “UMay”?

Incredibly there is a new version of NITDroid available. It’s named “UMay” and is version N12. It is clear Alex Roslyakov (@drunkdebugger | e-yes) has a lot of passion for this project and it shows in his timely updates.

Looking at my site statistics I can see lots of people are interested in my “How to install NITDroid N11 “Vostok” on N900?” post, so I aim to show you that it’s not a big deal upgrading to  the new version if you already have N11 “Vostok” installed.
  1. Download the 64MB image N12_UMay.tar.bz2 from Megaupload mirror site. The file can also be downloaded from, but I found the MegaUpload mirror to be quicker. (Thanks to debernardis for this upload).
  2. As I already have the Nitdroid kernel installed from Version N11, I have not re-installed it.
  3. Copy N12_UMay.tar.bz2 to /home/user/MyDocs folder on Nokia N900. I use WinSCP to copy the files from my computer to the /home/user/MyDocs folder.
UPGRADING N11 “Vostok” to N12 “UMay” to EMMC:
  1. Load X-terminal or PUTTY and type the following:
    Note: When running the ‘bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2′ command there will be a bit of a delay while the file is extracted. This is normal.
  2. 1
    sudo gainroot
    cd /home/user/MyDocs
    bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
    cd /
    mount /home /and
    cd /and
    tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar
  3. Exit out of X-terminal or PUTTY, reboot your Nokia N900 and on startup one is presented with a boot menu. Type ‘2’ for NITDroid 2.6.28.NIT.06 and it should load up.

NOTE: The first time Nitdroid boots up it take a long time (+- 3 minutes of waiting at the Nitdroid logo), before one sees anything resembling Android. The second and subsequent start ups into Nitdroid are fast.
There are more options on the “Nitdroid easy install on Emmc” page so please do visit it if you want more help.
Source:[Release] N12 “UMay” – Android GingerBread 2.3.4)
N12 “UMay”
- Android GingerBread 2.3.4 (GRJ22)
- New Gapps (20110503)
- much more stable than previous release (N11 “Vostok”)
New features:
- RIL: SMS sending
- RIL: Pro-active USSD sessions
- RIL: 3G Fast Dormancy (thanx to Crevetor)
- RIL: IMEISV request support
- Support for swap (optional; one can easily activate it in /default.prop)
- Permission manifests
- Market working “out-of-the-box”
- WiFi/DHCP problem
New in this version – SMS sent and received.

Marketplace works first time and is quick.

 Credit to

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Safely free some space on rootfs

This script shows you how much space is freed. It can also detect whether some directories have already been moved. WARNING: Although this script works for most users, you should always perform a backup before running it. Do not use this script if you have already used some other methods or scripts from Free_up_rootfs_space! In this case reflashing is recommended.
  1. install the rootsh package from extras
  2. download the script to your MyDocs (or upload it via SSH)
  3. in Terminal run
sudo gainroot
sh /home/user/MyDocs/
It should have freed about 95MB on your rootfs. Upgrading the firmware OTA after using the script is supposed to work. If you reflash the firmware the script will automatically remove the files from the old firmware when you run it again.
This untested script reverts the modifications and moves as many as possible files back to rootfs. Make sure that you have enough space on rootfs for that. Otherwise it will abort the operation. Instructions are the same as for, except that you call

[edit] On-device flashing of a custom kernel image

This how to flash a kernel on-device (without USB/flasher 3.5):
  1. you have a kernel image /path/zImage (with it's modules installed)
  2. install the package "sdk-fiasco-gen" from SDK
  3. become root: "sudo gainroot"
  4. make a "fiasco" :)
fiasco-gen -o /path/zImage.fiasco -g -k /path/zImage
  1. flash it
/sbin/fiasco-image-update /path/zImage.fiasco 

[edit] Reflashing & Restore

this is a slightly modified version of the script I use to restore my N900 after a reflash. My reflashing procedure is:
  1. store all settings with Backup on my SD card
  2. reflash with standard, i.e.
sudo flasher-3.5 -F <current firmware image>.bin -f -R
  1. restore old backup except programs
  2. install rootsh from System
  3. in Terminal:
sudo sh /home/backup/
with this script (for PR<1.2 or this script (PR1.2) in /home/backup (feedback and patches are welcome). It expects that you made a backup of /root and your selected modified files (e.g. /etc/ssh) in /home/backup. The file "pkgs" should contain a list (line by line) of the package names you want to install.

Credit to

Not enough space in application install memory

It’s not often I run out of space on my Nokia N900, considering it has a 32GB MyDocs area, a 2G Home area, a 270MB RootFS area, and a 6GB SD card storage area.

Before searching for a solution I like to know what is taking up all the space and a really good application to tell you this is…
Storage Usage makes use of heat maps and calculates the size of each folder and one can also target the main areas quickly and easily.
I have recently installed a lot of games and I think they have been installed into my Home memory, which is not ideal considering this memory is only 2GB in total. It would be a lot better if the games went to MyDocs, which has 32GB.
Possible solutions:
Searching Google reveals a few websites with solutions but I favour because the community behind the N900 is very good and answers tend to be backed up by a number of key people or experts.
Go here:…pace_on_rootfs and under the heading “Safely free some space on rootfs” grab the script under step 2 (right click on the link and Save As – do not click on the link as it will show you a ‘404 not found‘ error). The file you are saving is called ‘‘.
Place ‘‘ in /home/user/MyDocs/
Start x-terminal and type:
sudo gainroot
sh /home/user/MyDocs/
Start PuTTY from WinSCP and type:
sh /home/user/MyDocs/
You will see a couple of folders and their sizes and a few moves taking place.
Reboot once done!
Failing that, try and remove some applications that are large and not needed.

Credit to

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Speed up for Maemo N900

Banyak cara untuk meningkatkan kelajuan pada Nokia N900.

Cara instalnya :
Download the patch.tar.gz dari sini speedpatch.tar.gz
Letak di MyDocs Note : dianjurkan untuk menggunakan (transitions.ini) walaupun progam ini termasuk optional
Dependency (progam pendukung tuk menjalankan speedpatch)
Diperlukan progam rootsh1.8 yang terinstal di N900

Cara instalnya :
Buka terminal (posisi online)
sudo gainroot
apt-get install rootsh bash

Menjalankan progam speedpatch nya Cara instalnya :
Buka terminal
sudo gainroot

mkdir /usr/local/sbin à(kalo folder ini sudah ada, dilanjutkan ke langkah selanjutnya)
cp /home/user/MyDocs/speedpatch.tar.gz ./ à(kalo folder ini sudah ada, dilanjutkan ke langkah selanjutnya)

jika file (speedpatch.tar) sudah dicopy ke MyDocs, langsung ke step di bawah ini

tar xzvf speedpatch.tar.gz
mv speedpatch /etc/event.d
mv transitions.ini /home/user/MyDocs
chmod +rwx
chmod +rwx /etc/event.d/speedpatch
bash ./

selesai selesai REBOOT N900
note : jika timbul message error / sibuk atau sebagainya maka diabaikan saja

Cara uninstalnya speedpatch
Pake cara ini :

rm /etc/event.d/speedpatch
rm /usr/local/sbin/cgroup_clean
rm /etc/rc.local

for menu OPTIONAL mode
1.untuk yang suka modifikasi themes + combine ama speedpatch (OPTIONAL) à for advent user not newbie
pake cara ini :

buka terminal
sudo gainroot

cp /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.bak
cp /home/user/MyDocs/transitions.ini /usr/share/hildon-desktop/

2.jika menggunakan progam theme-customizer
pake cara ini :

buka terminal

sudo gainroot
cp /opt/theme-customizer/transitions.ini /opt/theme-customizer/transitions.ini.bak
cp /home/user/MyDocs/transitions.ini /opt/theme-customizer/

note : command diatas hanya bias digunakan / berfungsi jika user menggunakan progam themes customizer

dari cara 1 & 2 (diatas) jika ingin me restore file (transitions.ini ) ke original
pake cara ini :

buka terminal
sudo gainroot
cp /usr/share/themes/nama themes/transitions.ini.bak /usr/share/themes/Blue-sky/tranistions.ini
contohnya :
cp /usr/share/themes/Blue-sky/transitions.ini.bak /usr/share/themes/Blue-sky/tranistions.ini

Note: jika file (transition.ini) tidak bekerja di rover khususnya bagi yang sudah menggunakan CSSU (pada progam parallax & zoom on press) maka gunakan saja setingan progamnya di CSSU

Semua cara diatas hanya bisa dilakukan setelah rover direboot & dilihat perbedaan sebelum & sesudah memakai tips & trik diatas tadi

Tambahan lagi nih….kalo mau yg lebih XTREME speednya (resiko ditanggung penumpang), karena cara ini bisa membuat hadware accelerator meningkat perform nya & membuat hildon-desktop lebih makyus… tapi jika gagal mengikuti step dibawah ini maka akan membuat rover tidak stabil kinerjanya / reboot terus menerus

Cara 1
Cara menggunakanya :
Gunakan progam leafpad untuk mengedit command /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini and gantilah menjadi WSEGL_UseHWSync=0 to WSEGL_UseHWSync=1

Caranya :

sudo gainroot
leafpad /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini
ubahlah file dibawah ini

Jika rover mengalami error ketika edit file di atas setelah reboot maka kembalikan ke posisi semula / reflash ulang (jika masih bisa masuk ke OS maemonya)

Cara 2
Bisa menggunakan progam “swappolube” (tangki bensin)
Bisa didownload dari devel / testing
Dan bisa juga dari terminal
Caranya :
sudo gainroot
apt-get install swappolube
cara menggunanya yg simple adalah klik progamnya kemudian pilih PROPSED kemudian pilih APPLY setelahnya pilih STORE

Cara 3
Bisa juga menggunakan progam “tracker-cfg”
Fungsinya : pada N900 akan otomatis meload pemakain memory sampai ke level LOW (rendah) sehingga akan meningkatkan speed / kecepatan di hardware N900
Cara install:
Bisa download langsung dari devel / testing
Bisa lewat terminal (posisi online)
Caranya dari terminal :

sudo gainroot
apt-get install tracker-cfg
cara penggunaanya : klik progamnya dan pilih option “lowmemorymode” & ganti “throttle” ke angka 10 lalu save & exit

Cara 4
Bisa juga menggunakan progam ApMeFo
Cara install dari terminal (posisi online)

sudo gainroot
apt-get install apmefo

Cara 5
Bisa menggunakan progam CSSU yang bisa diinstal di

Jangan lupa dari cara diatas semua membutuhkan kernel 47 (recommended)
Cara install (posisi online) :

sudo gainroot
apt-get install kernel-power-flasher

note : menginstall kernel-power-flasher ada kemungkinan mengakibatkan pemakaian pada battery tidak berjalan dengan semestinya (mengingat dari tiap user banyak yang menggunakan jenis – jenis battery yg berbeda amh nya)

jika ingin mendapatkan pemakain battery yang akurat sesuai pemakaian user & jenis batterynya bisa pakai cara ini :

untuk meng disable module battery
buka terminal ketik :
echo "blacklist bq27x00_battery" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (enter)
reboot N900

untuk meng enable module battery (ke setingan standar N900)
buka terminal ketik :
echo "#blacklist bq27x00_battery" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
reboot N900

SELAMAT MENCOBA & thanks to agan Scoopy alias Pedro HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..

sumber :

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Web OS games on N900

The ability to overclock the N900 has existed for a long time now and we have covered it before. But overclocking the N900 has never been so easy, two simple installs from the Application Manager and a short command via the terminal is all it takes. If you have been wanting to try it out but were holding out because it seemed too complicated, this guide is for you.

How To Easily Overclock Your N900 In Under Two Minutes

However, please note that overclocking the N900 will void your warranty, although it is possible to the flash to the stock kernel/state if you no longer want to overclock your device. Apart from that you also risk damaging your device and losing data. Please continue at your own peril.

That said, lets get started.

The first thing you need to do is install ‘rootsh’ from the Application Manager, make sure you have the relevant repositories enabled.
Next install the ‘Enhanced linux kernel for power users‘ from the ‘System’ section in the Application Manager. It supports overclocking upto 1.15 Ghz.
Restart the device.
Now install ‘Enhanced kernel for power users (settings)‘.
Open the X-Terminal and enter the following command.

sudo gainroot
kernel-config load ideal

This will load the ideal profile which overclocks your phone to 850 MHz. At this point if you experience reboots or the phone seems to act funny, try using the ‘lv’ settings that uses slightly higher voltages than the ‘ideal’ profile. If it is still unstable try ‘ulv’. The various presets are ‘default’ – ‘lv’ – ‘ulv’ – ‘xlv’ – ‘ideal’ – ‘starving’.

sudo gainroot
kernel-config load lv
kernel-config limits 250 850

If the N900 seems stable, you can have these settings as a preset of your own.

sudo gainroot
kernel-config load lv
kernel-config limits 250 850
kernel-config save myideal

With the current configuration, the N900 will resort to the default 600 MHz state everytime it is rebooted. This is done to avoid letting the N900 get caught in a reboot loop. If you are happy with the N900′s performance and stability, you can then also set the N900 to overclock by default on startup. Use the following command:

sudo gainroot
kernel-config default ideal (whichever preset you want to set as default e.g. myideal)
kernel-config show (this will show you your current settings)

If you want to revert to the original settings, here is the procedure to follow. Jakiman over at has a very comprehensive guide as well, if you are looking for more information I suggest you give it a read.

Overclock N900 With QCPUFreq

One last thing, if you want to configure the N900′s overclocking setting with a visual UI and not the terminal, install QCPUFreq from the Application Manager. Then once you have installed the packages mentioned above all you will need to do is move the slider to overclock to the desired level. My suggestion is don’t go past the 850 MHz mark.

Before you do this, please keep in mind one thing ‘because it can be doesn’t mean, you have to do it!’

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to Hard Reset the N900 to the Factory Settings

        To reset the N900 to the factory settings the only way is to flash both the N900′s OS and the 32 GB mass memory. I will show you how to do this via Windows. (this as to be done on a 32 bit versions only).
Before we start, please note that this would be done using the command line interface, it may seem tricky but let me assure you that it is simply enough for anyone to accomplish.
  • Download and install the latest version of Maemo Flasher (e.g. maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.exe). Since this is a command line application you will see no shortcut on the desktop or in the Program Files option under the Start menu.
  • Next, Download the latest firmware (.bin) file, it will look like “RX-51_xxxxx_ARM.bin”. You will need your IMEI  number to access the downloads, it can be found on the box or by going to Settings > General > About Product.
  • Also download the Vanilla eMMC image (.bin file) from the same page. It will look like “RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin”
  • Save both  to C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5\. My suggestion is to rename them to something simple such as RX-51.bin for the firmware and R.bin for the eMMC, this will make typing the commands easier later on.
  • Make sure that the battery is fully charged and switch off the device.
  • Open the Command Prompt by going to Start then Run and type cmd, then press Enter.
  • Change directory to the flasher’s program path by entering:
cd "C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5"
  • Connect the USB cable while holding the ‘u’ key on the N900. Within an instant you will see a USB icon on the top right corner of the N900. Now leave the ‘u’ key.
  • Run the following command:
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51.bin -f -R
  • I typed RX-51.bin because I had renamed the file earlier, otherwise it would have been: (this was the name of the latest firmware, the name may vary after a new firmware comes out)
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R"
  • You will see text similar to the one below on your PC.
How To Hard Reset The N900How To Hard Reset The N900
  • The update will take about 3 minutes after which the N900 will reboot and display the Welcome screen with Regional settings.
The next step is to flash the Mass Storage or the eMMC. The first few steps are identical to the way you would flash the firmware. If you are following on from the above and already have the command prompt open, you can directly proceed to step number 3.
  • Open the Command Prompt by going to Start then Run and type cmd, then press Enter.
  • Change directory to the flasher’s program path by entering:
cd "C:\ProgramFiles\maemo\flasher-3.5"
  • Connect the USB cable while holding the ‘u’ key on the N900. Within an instant you will see a USB icon on the top right corner of the N900. Now leave the ‘u’ key.
  • Execute the following command:
flasher-3.5.exe -F R.bin -f -R"
  • I typed R.bin because I had renamed the file earlier, otherwise it would have been
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R
  • You will see text similar to the one below on your PC.
How To Hard Reset The N900
  • The flash will take around 1 minute after which the device will reboot.
  • The bright Nokia screen will come up on the screen with the USB icon on the top right followed by progression dots with yellow LED blinking for a few seconds. The device will then turn off and go into charging mode with the yellow LED blinking (NOTE: If the device appears to reboot, unplug the cable.)
  • Unplug cable and wait for device to turn off completely. You may hear a sound (punk) of the device turning off.
That’s it. You have now hard reset the N900 to the factory state. This procedure can be used to update the firmware on your device as well, if you wish you can leave formatting the eMMC if your intention is only to update the firmware. Please make sure that the battery on your N900 is completely charged, otherwise you might brick it.

This guide has been adapted from this immensely useful wiki on

How to hard reset Nokia N900

I Before You Begin

1. This will completely erase everything on your Nokia N900 and get it back to exactly the way it was when it arrived in the box.
2. This is perfect for people reselling their Nokia N900 or just want to start from scratch.

II. Download the Firmware, eMMC, and Firmware Flasher

1. Download the Flasher 3.5 program from here and then run the .exe (at the time of writing this, it is called “maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.exe”:
Flasher 3.5
2. Then download the latest firmware for your phone here (it will be a .bin file and say Latest then your region next to it) AND download the eMMC image AS WELL (it will also be a .bin file but will look like this “RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin”)
N900 Firmware and eMMC (it will ask you for your phone’s IMEI to continue)
3. Save both the .bin files into the Flasher 3.5 folder that was created by the flasher-3.5.exe program you installer earlier (which should be Program Files > Maemo > Flasher-3.5).
4. Rename the two files like so (to make life easier later):
Latest firmware – rename it to “firmware” (no quotes)
eMMC file – rename it to “emmc” (no quotes

III. Flash the Phone

1. Turn off the phone
2. Hold down the U button on the keyboard of your phone and while holding it plug in the USB cable connected to your computer. (You should see a very DIM Nokia screen with a little USB sybol in the top right corner on the phone).

3. Open the command prompt on your computer by going to start and typing in cmd into the search box and hitting enter.

4. First we flash the firmware file, type in the following commands hitting enter at the end of each line:

cd c:\programfiles\maemo\flasher-3.5\

(*if you are using a 64 bit system, replace “program files” with “program files (x86)”)

flasher-3.5.exe -F firmware.bin -f -R 

(*if you get a %m error after typing this, go back to the files and .bin after their name and try again. Also try not having the -R at the end.)

5. Leave the command prompt open and wait for the phone to finish flashing and rebooting, then turn off the phone.

6. Hold down the U button on the keyboard of your phone and while holding it plug in the USB cable connected to your computer. (You should see a very DIM Nokia screen with a little USB sybol in the top right corner on the phone).

7. With the command prompt still open on your computer from the firmware flash, we can now flash the eMMC file. Type in the following commands into the command prompt with hitting enter at the end of each line:

flasher-3.5.exe -F emmc.bin -f -R  

(*if you get a %m error after typing this, go back to the files and .bin after their name and try again. Also try not having the -R at the end.)

9. Wait for the phone to reboot. All done! Phone is now back to out of box state.

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