How to flash MeeGo 1.2 Community Edition on Micro SD Nokia N900:
Attention! This tutorial is for advanced users! Mishandling may cause a malfunction of your Nokia N900, loss of all data and operating system of origin (maemo 5)!
Before starting, all downloaded files (kernel + + 1.2 WHAT MeeGo Flasher) has to be in the same directory to simplify the flash of 1.2 WHAT MeeGo on the Nokia N900.
It is recommended to have a micro-SD Card 8GB Class 10! (Speed read / write 10Mbps minimum).
1 - Download the image 'daily build' "*. raw.bz2" available here: (version compiled at least once a week).
Select the folder of the latest version, then "/ images /" and finally "mg-n900 handset-armv7nhl-it-stable /" in the tree to find the *. raw.bz2).
2 - Unzip the file "*. raw.bz2" for file "*. raw" over 3.5 GB
3 - Rename the file "meego.raw" to simplify the controls as a result of the installation.
4 - Download the file " "Corresponding to the image" *. raw "previously downloaded. (The file is located in the same directory).
5 - Download the tool to flash the kernel in the N900, "Flasher-3.5", available here:
6 - Copy to the root of your N900 the file "meego.raw" mode via "mass storage".
7 - Start the terminal of your N900 and become "root" on the console:
"sudo gainroot." (Requires installation of the package "rootsh" available in the repository "extra testing").
8 - Run the N900 in the terminal, the command
and then locate the partition on your Micro-SD card (mmcblkXpY, X and Y can be 0 or 1, in most cases, the partition is / dev/mmcblk1p1 or just / dev/mmcblk1). [The card must first be formatted to FAT].
9 - Remove the partition with the command "umount / dev / mmcblkXpY" (X and Y: 0 or 1 or / dev / mmcblkX, often with X = 1).
10 - Type the command
"dd if = / home / user / MyDocs / meego.raw of = / dev/mmcblk1."
Leave it to the phone, nothing is displayed during the transfer operation MeeGo on Micro-SD card, after several long minutes, a message will appear with the number of blocks copied. (Allow about twenty minutes).
11 - Turn off the N900 having disconnected the USB cable.
12 - In the terminal on your PC (Linux), run Flasher-3.5 with the command
"./flasher-3.5-l-b-k-the-kernel vmlinuz-downloaded".
13 - Start your N900 by plugging the USB cable first, the script will automatically find the USB port which is connected to your N900 and load the Linux kernel temporarily keeping Maemo intact.(It is recommended that you disconnect the USB cable during loading to avoid bug).
14 - Your N900 starts on MeeGo!
Here is the summer edition by NSUFFYS- Thanks to him
credit to
Thanks for the information about the micro sd card...