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Friday, June 10, 2011

Installing Aircrack-ng, Airoscript-ng, Airdrop-ng, Besside-ng on Ubuntu

Update your OS and install these ESSENTIAL and recommended package

NOTE: Before continuing, make sure NOT to be active in Synaptic the Repositories "Proposed"and "Backports"
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential make patch subversion openssl libssl-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssh2-1-dev libnl1 libnl-dev gettext autoconf tcl8.5 libpcap0.8 libpcap0.8-dev cracklib-runtime macchanger-gtk tshark ethtool
Install/update "IW"
(Wireless Configuration Utility for drivers based on Stacks-mac80211)

[Firt option] Install iw from Ubuntu Repository

sudo apt-get install iw

[RECOMMENDED OPTION] Alternatively compiling the latest version available from IW source

sudo mkdir /usr/src/drivers && cd /usr/src/drivers
sudo wget -O - | sudo tar -jxv
cd iw*
sudo make && sudo make install

If present, before you continue, remove and delete the old directory of Aircrack-ng

- If installed from Ubuntu Repositories using the "Synaptic" package manager, use this procedure:
sudo apt-get remove --purge aircrack-ng

- If you have installed Aircrack-ng from source code (SVN version):
cd ~/aircrack-ng
sudo make uninstall
rm -rf aircrack-ng

Installing Aircrack-ng with Airolib-ng support on Ubuntu
(requires SQlite3 installed)

[Firt option] Installation/upgrade SQlite3 from Ubuntu Repository

sudo apt-get install sqlite3

[RECOMMENDED OPTION] Alternatively compiling the latest version available from Sqlite3 source

sudo mkdir /usr/src/drivers
sudo wget -O - | sudo tar -xvz
cd sqlite*
./configure --disable-tcl
sudo make && sudo make install
To check the version of sqlite3 installed
sqlite3 --version

Compiling Aircrack-ng + Airolib-ng without unstable programs

cd ~/
svn co aircrack-ng
cd ~/aircrack-ng
make sqlite=true
sudo make sqlite=true install

Recommended installation

Install the entire Suite including programs in development such us: Tkiptun­-ng, Wesside­-ng, Besside­-ng, Easside­-ng/Buddy-­ng
make sqlite=true unstable=true
sudo make sqlite=true unstable=true install

Useful Commands

For update IEEE's OUI public database (from release 1.0 rc4 r1616)
sudo airodump-ng-oui-update
To run the WPA cracking speed test
aircrack-ng -S
To check the installed version of Aircrack-ng
aircrack-ng --help | head -n 5
To verify the correct installation and compatibility with new support SSE2-SHA1
aircrack-ng -u
To limit the CPU utilization if you reach too high temperatures
(if you have a multiprocessor PC)
aircrack-ng -p number_CPU
Using the "--ignore-negative-one" at the end of Aireplay-ng to mitigate the issue "fixed channel mon0: -1" without patching drivers
sudo aireplay-ng -0 2 -a 00:16:XX:XX:XX:XX -c 00:46:XX:XX:XX:XX --ignore-negative-one mon0

Image sse2

Installing Airoscript-ng on Ubuntu

Build Airoscript-ng

cd ~/aircrack-ng/scripts/airoscript-ng
sudo make

Airoscript-ng requires opening with the privileges of "root".
sudo airoscript-ng

Installing Airgraph-ng on Ubuntu
This tool creates an file image of network received with Airodump-ng

cd aircrack-ng/scripts/airgraph-ng
sudo make install

If you receive this error:you need to install this package:
Psyco optimizer not installed !!

You need to install the following package to resolve
sudo apt-get install python-psyco

Examples of the image file created using Airgraph-ng

Image Airgraph-ng  Image Google Earth

Installing Airdrop-ng on Ubuntu

Building Airdrop-ng

NOTE: requires installation of "python-dev" of your Python version installed

cd ~/aircrack­ng/scripts/airdrop-­ng
sudo python

Update IEEE's OUI public database

cd ~/aircrack­ng/scripts/airdrop-­ng
sudo airdrop­ng ­-u

#           Welcome to AirDrop-ng           #
Going to support/ to install new oui.txt...
Writing OUI file
Completed Successfully

Update Aircrack-ng SVN with Airolib-ng support on BackTrak 3

For update Aircrack-ng SVN

Follow the same procedure used on UBUNTU by changing installation "path".
(correct directory --> "/pentest/wireless/")
cd /pentest/wireless
Click on the images attached below for enlarge
install aircrack-ng  installing aircrack-ng on ubuntu  aircrack,airoscript,airdrop,backtrack,ubuntu

Configuring the "CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor" on Ununtu
(to optimize the CPU-clock)

After the new implementation of SH1-SSE2 code, the velocity and number of K/s is greatly increased and improved.
During the WPA crack process (brute force or dictionary attack) the CPUs present and recognized by the program, now works always at 100%, but this also increases the temperature of processors.
I suggest to use the setting "ondemand", this in order to lower the CPU temperature and improve the autonomy of the battery, when used the Notebook, but if the temperatures reach or exceed 100 degrees Celsius, select the option "powersafe".

Reconfigure gnome­-applets

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets
Select --> "YES" to question, for enable the permissions of "root".
Click the image

And finally, add the icon of "cpufreq-­selector" in the top panel of Ubuntu: --> Click on the new icon added, and you can select different modes for single CPU.
Personally, i suggest you the setting "Ondemand", both to lower temperatures, in order to improve the battery life when used with Notebook.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Centrino Duo processor, is designed to work with critical temperatures around 100 degrees Celsius.
Do not be alarmed if the work temperatures is 85/90°, but does not exceed for a long time.
In case, the increase was higher than these values, I suggest you take the icon of CPU frequency and changing the option to "On Demand" in "POWERSAVE", or setting the CPU clock fixed at 1 GHz.

Published by JanoWeb.Net
Wireless Security Questions
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives

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