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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Try and error

Assalamualaikum reader,

Today 20 Nov 2010, its time to write the blog about my life in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. Wake-up, sleep, eat, im already 2 years and 4 months. I think it is quite fast and not realize what i've done in this period.

im not good in english language but i need to try and start from now to write in every single thing to improve. Its not only in language but also in field of photography. Hopefully, it will became good and good soon.

In photography, there is a lot of thing to do, not only capturing a moment what ever in portrait, landscape, moving object, macro etc. but the setting to capture also important.

The rules and art of photography also need to understand and keep on practice. The rule of photography such as Rules of third, Composition, Rules of lighting, it is quite difficult to follow and implement during the event.

The gear and lenses also the important thing to make the photographer easy to do their job. Dosent mean the cheap gear we cant make a good picture and moment, but for me, the pro gear like Canon 7D, 5D Mark 2, Nikon D300, Nikon D300S, Nikon D700, can make the job easy depend on what moment to capture.

For still image any gear can be use because  mostly of the gear is design like that, i mean the frame rate minimum 3fps. Frame rate is the faster opening and closing the sensor window.

For moving object or action, the more frame rate is recommended to use because you will not missing the moment during the action. Means the more frame rate such as Canon 7D (8fps), Nikon 300S(7fps) is good enough to capture action moment.

Finally, i just want to share all above to all reader. Im not a pro, just share to improve my skill and art in photography.


A sample of my photo collection.

Just share and have fun.

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